
Michigan Chooses bhworks Software Platform for Statewide School Use to Address Youth Behavioral Mental Health

Written by Anthony Grower | May 14, 2021 10:36:00 PM

Collaboration will help kids and families and change the behavioral health process


Baltimore, MD. — bhworks, the comprehensive, validated, behavioral health software platform powered by mdlogix, has been chosen by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to help schools statewide to gain consent, screen, identify, assess, refer, and monitor treatment for all school-age youth grades K – 12. The goal is to reduce youth suicides and other mental health issues, as well as streamline confidential communication among parents, teachers, and providers. bhworks is being offered for use in all 56 Intermediate School Districts (ISDs), potentially reaching 1.5 million students. “Our plan has been to give each student who needs help the opportunity to express their feelings with no judgment or stigma, to do so in a statewide coordinated effort, and to offer the best care and monitor local and state outcomes,” said Diane Golzynski, PhD, RD, director, Office of Health and Nutrition Services, Michigan Department of Education. “By implementing this technology infrastructure, we advance the vision the department, state legislators, educators, and health providers made as a youth priority prior to COVID, and which is now even more critical. Michigan can help guide other states that need a defined, collaborative process with their schools as the foundation and the software management platform to carry all of it out.” Psychiatrist Allen Tien, MD, MHS, mdlogix president and chief science officer said, “Our bhworks platform will enable Michigan providers to save time, work more effectively, collectively follow evidence-based standards, and leverage best practices. Given the rising rate of youth depression, anxiety and suicides, it is a model that should be replicated in schools across the country.”

BH-Works allows school districts to obtain consents and screen whole populations with high efficiency and reliability, help with Social Emotional Learning (SEL) assessments, offer referrals, communicate via virtual visits, and securely collect data to see outcomes in real time and adjust resources as needed. It can also enhance Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) programs. bhworks is one of the leading statewide behavioral mental health platforms. mdlogix is working at the federal and state government levels to make its collaborative solution a national one. The platform software tools adhere to all data security measures (HIPAA and FERPA compliant). “Our technology is the infrastructure for a network of people working to reduce depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicides, and other behavioral issues,” Dr. Tien said. “We as a company bring science, public health, engineering, and solutions-driven client relations to any project. We work as collaborators with school psychologists, school counselors, school social workers, school nurses, pediatricians, educators, community mental health professionals and more, to make a dramatic difference in behavioral mental health by disrupting the usual dysfunctional communications silos and using technological innovation.”]

mdlogix and its statewide school-based clients have also formed Behavioral Health Learning Collaboratives (BHLC). We are committed to sharing best practices, as well as technology, training, and other resources to improve mental health programs. To learn more, go to and Pennsylvania has been using bhworks for more than 10 years. In that time, over 4,800 students were found to have suicide ideation, 31,521 had moderate or severe signs of depression, and close to 30,000 showed signs of anxiety. They were then given access to the appropriate services and monitored. Join us. Learn more about bhworks by going to and request a demo today.