ANNOUNCING: bhworks behavioral and mental health software for K-12 schools. Learn More »

  • (240) 410-0820
  • (240) 410-0820
  • Medical Decision Logic Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

mdlogix forms partnership with CompuClaim to help school districts fund sustainable behavioral health programs

We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries from organizations who want to know more about the work we’re doing in Pennsylvania schools, where BH-Works is used to support behavioral health screening and intervention in more than 50% of districts in the state. But we keep hearing the same question from everyone:

How do we pay for something like this?

Many of our existing clients have leveraged federal, state, and private grant funding to support initial program implementation, but more school organizations are learning they can use Medicaid funds to help pay for behavioral health screening and counseling. These reimbursement opportunities vary by state, but they can help cover expenses for behavioral health staff, technology, training, professional development, and outreach campaigns. Most importantly, this reimbursement provides a path to program sustainability.

We learned about these revenue opportunities when we met the team at CompuClaim, a provider of school-based Medicaid claims software. CompuClaim’s web platform helps districts capture reimbursement for school-based medical services, specifically when students receive them through a school-based health center (SBHC) or an individualized education program (IEP). Their team is well-versed in state and federal regulations that relate to special education and Medicaid, and they’ve helped school districts double reimbursement after transitioning from a paper-based claims process.

Naturally, we decided to join forces with CompuClaim. We’re confident their team can provide support to districts who want to implement a school-based behavioral health program, even in the face of perpetual budget cuts. This innovative partnership will offer tailored support to districts, helping them leverage resources for their specific initiatives, in their specific states. We’re excited to begin work in California with our first joint client, Solano County School District.

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