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  • (240) 410-0820
  • (240) 410-0820
  • Medical Decision Logic Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

mdlogix partners with Coherent Knowledge to create tools for clinical decision support

We are excited to begin work with Coherent Knowledge, a Seattle-area-based company that builds advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Their market-leading product, ErgoAI™, will help us automate workflows and build clinical decision support into our BH-Works platform. ErgoAI has been leveraged across many different industries, including finance, defense intelligence, and healthcare.

The Coherent team is currently collaborating with mdlogix on a project funded through the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). With the help of experienced Opioid Treatment Providers (OTPs), the project is exploring ways technology could be leveraged to improve care for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD). The team has been working to improve intake workflow, reduce redundancy in treatment diagnosis and referral, and model best practices. These tools are intended to support OTPs, primary care clinicians, and other providers, including those who do not specialize in addiction medicine. Ultimately, we hope this kind of support will expand care for patients suffering from OUD and other behavioral health problems.

Learn more about Coherent Knowledge and ErgoAI.

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