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  • (240) 410-0820
  • (240) 410-0820
  • Medical Decision Logic Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

mdlogix wins multi-year contract with NIDA

Leveraging New Care Models to Expand Access to Behavioral Healthcare


mdlogix is pleased to announce that we have been contracted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse to provide technology that promotes the use of innovative care models, such as the hub and spoke model, to treat people with substance use disorders and other behavioral health problems. This multi-year contract will leverage our BH-Works software platform to help clinicians offer behavioral health services in primary care practices, university health clinics, community-based organizations, emergency departments, and schools. The mdlogix team has partnered with Drexel University, Temple University, Bon Secours Baltimore, and Indiana Rural Health Association (IRHA) to deploy BH-Works in various clinical and non-clinical settings. IRHA has brought the Indiana Statewide Rural Health Network (InSRHN) to the project, a member driven rural health network comprised of 30 Indiana critical access and rural hospitals.

BH-Works is a web-based platform that provides tools for behavioral health screening, patient management, provider education, population health analytics, and outcomes reporting. Through this collaboration, we intend to improve coordinated care across multiple organizations, addressing the social determinants that cause barriers to care for people with substance use disorders and other behavioral health problems. We will also enhance patient engagement by providing patients, as well as their caregivers and families, opportunities to participate in the planning, treatment, and management of their own care

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